
Day 17:
This morning I woke up early to upload 135 pictures on facebook.  You’re welcome everyone because it took 2 hours and I wont be doing it again until I get home! J  You can find the album on my page (annie elble). I think I made it public but if you need to, you can friend me.  The rest of the pictures wont be posted until probably August 1st when we return from Zambia. 

We headed back to GrowMore Wholesaler as Bheki mentioned that if we added another 25kg bag of mealies to our already purchased food for the kids, that then it would last the families until December when we return.  When we got to GrowMore with our already full tiny Nissan Livina, we overestimated how much room we had in our car.  10 25kg bags are HUGE and heavy.  We calculated that with the 5 of us and the bags of beans, rice, mealies, cooking oil, sugar, etc that our weight was a half ton!  Our tiny Livina was weighted down so much that even the tiniest bump in the road made us bottom out.  I had two 25kg bags of mealies on my lap the whole drive to elangeni – it weighed about what I do! Additionally the mealie bags are not entirely secure so I just want to apologize in advance to Dollar Rental Car… they will have quite a mess on their hands but it was for a good cause!

We went to the Primary school and fixed all of the computers! All it needed was a simple tweak of the screen resolution and BINGO! We have 7 working computers each with Open Office and 5 JumpStart educational game systems!  Oh my goodness, such a relief.  We taught a teacher how to use the programs and he actually studied computer science in university so he already knew it all.  He said that he was thrilled to get the computers because the school appointed him to be the teacher in our lab.  He is already creating posters for the walls with pictures and words indicating the basics (how to turn it on, what the desktop icons are for, etc).  Super exciting!

Then we went to the secondary school and met with 4 of our boys who’ve been too busy to meet with us prior to today (they’re on the dance team and other evening obligations).  It was so nice to meet up!  We had them fill out a questionnaire with what they wanted to be when they grow up, what they like to do for fun etc.  Its so cute to see them grow up and change their minds a million times (just like me!!).  We told them we would be stopping by their house later to drop off some food.

Delivering the food to our child-headed households was strategic.  We had to go to the homesteads first that had the least amount of rocky dirt road leading there.  Our car was bottoming out constantly.  We took the food to all 10 families with Bheki’s guidance.  Nate asked whether the roads had names in the rural areas we were traveling, and Bheki responded that they do not have names but people mention them based on landmarks – like turn at the street where you see all of the trees (Um, there are trees everywhere) or at the fork in the road turn on the street going up (we’re on the side of a mountain, everywhere is up).  Luckily he knew where everyone lived, so we made it just fine.  When we got to Lungelo’s house, he lived up a dirt road that was too steep for the car.   Bheki started yelling his name and I told Nate that that is the Swazi doorbell.  Two minutes later Lungelo came running down the hill with a wheel barrel.  Perfect.  Next we went to Siphesihle’s house.  He did not come running and Bheki was upset.  In Bheki’s mind, everyone needs to be like “New York” and hurry hurry everywhere.  We found out Siphesihle wasn’t running to fetch the food because his asthma has been acting up.  Bheki told him that asthma is a demon and he held his hand on Siphesihle’s forehead and prayed to Jesus that the demon would leave so he could breathe again.  He kept yelling “Asthma GO AWAY, GO AWAY NOW” and the whole family was standing around praying.  If only it were that easy.  I’d scream my brains out for AIDS to take a hike…

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