
I'm now back in the states and trying to manage my forever-long to-do list.  As I'm tackling chore after chore, I find my mind drifting back to the Swazi children I love so much and I realize just how much they keep me smiling and chugging along in life.  I owe them everything.

Thank you to all of those who have supported us throughout our trip (prior to and during) through thoughts/prayers, financial donations, and in-kind donations (school supplies, clothes, books, headphones, hygiene items, prom dresses).  Our past month in Swaziland couldn't have been so successful without you!  You are the unsung heroes - the behind the scenes angels - who make the work possible.  I often feel guilty when people sing my praises in Swaziland and here in the states knowing that my team and I get all of the credit for work that is only possible because of SO many hands (and pocket books) joining together for the sake of the children.  Thank YOU thank YOU thank YOU!!

We will keep everyone updated through facebook posts and our Give Hope, Fight Poverty eNewsletter; but until our next service-learning trip December 26-January 6th, this blog will be temporarily discontinued.
If you'd like to be added to the eNewsletter, shoot me an email:
And you can find me on facebook: Annie Elble
or our organization:
or the website:

If you'd like to make a donation, we are accepting donations at this time for the orphan education fund (we need $4,000 by December) and the Child-headed household Tree Program (we need $5,000 by December).  The tree program launching December 27th will provide fruit bearing trees (mango, banana, avocado, and blackberry) for all of our orphans of child-headed homes.  This will not only provide added nutrition for their diets, but also provide an income-generating program as we will purchase the excess fruits back from them with our FOODOM feeding grant to use at our eLangeni Primary and Secondary school lunch program.  Donations can be made through Paypal on our website:
or checks can be made out to Give Hope Fight Poverty and mailed to 2436 N Alabama Street, Indianapolis IN 46205.  All donations are tax deductible!

We also welcome you to check out our Artisan Direct goods.  By purchasing anything on our website ( you will not only support rural women artisans in Zambia but also GHFP orphan programming.  You can find even more items on my personal facebook page in the Artisan Direct photo album.

Finally, we encourage you to tell everyone you know about the amazing children in Swaziland... and we'd be honored to be invited to speak at any church, work, or school event.  Thank you so very much for your support!!

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