
The eLangeni Children’s library is almost complete! – Day 14

This morning we went to eLangeni secondary school to drop off food for the FOODOM school lunch program and toilet paper – they just got their first flush toilets for the students!  We then stopped by the primary school to check on the progress of our library shelves.  They are almost completely built!  In addition to the rug we purchased, the custom pillows we ordered from the UniSwa students, and the stuffed animals and FUNDZA (to learn/read) canvases we brought from home – things are really starting to look great! I can’t wait to have an afternoon of reading to the kids in a couple of weeks. While we were checking on the progress one of our little primary school buddies came in to see us.  He is such a little stud muffin!  His legs are inverted and he cannot bend his knees but he doesn't let that stop him from running around and flirting with his new American friends :)  Kait took the funniest picture of him when we described what a library was and how he will soon have one at his school... enjoy: 
When we were leaving the primary school we ran into Mazwi and Philo.  Philo needed new school shoes and Mazwi’s school trousers were way too small so we took the kids to the Mbabane mall and got them some new things in addition to a brand new radio they will be able to plug into their solar panel.  Philo was so excited to hear it playing music!  We also took them out to dinner at a traditional Swazi restaurant.  Mary, Kait, and Katy were excited to try the local cuisine but could not finish their large portions.  Philo and Mazwi had no problem finishing their own…and some of the girl’s leftovers!  Tomorrow is a busy day starting with a radio show where Give Hope, Fight Poverty will be the guest of honor, a second meeting with SACRO about how we can get involved helping the Mbabane street children, and watching Sifiso choreograph his pre-school dance team (Katy is most excited about this part of the day).  More tomorrow…

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